Source code for xobox.cli.dispatch

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    :copyright: Copyright 2017 by the Stormrose Project team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: MIT License, see LICENSE for details.

import argparse
import sys
import os
from ..utils import compat
from ..utils import loader
from .logger import Logger, Levels
from .base import BaseCommand
from ..conf import get_conf, ApplicationConf

[docs]class CommandDispatcher(object): """ Class encapsulating the logic for starting a command. :param list argv: list of (command line) arguments """ _arguments = ( ( ('-c', '--conf'), { 'help': 'xobox configuration file (defaults to {})'.format(get_conf('CONF_FILE')), 'action': 'store', 'metavar': '<conf>', 'default': get_conf('CONF_FILE') } ), ( ('-d', '--dir'), { 'help': 'xobox working directory (defaults to current work directory)', 'action': 'store', 'metavar': '<path>', 'default': os.getcwd() } ), ( ('-f', '--file'), { 'help': 'log into file instead of the terminal', 'action': 'store', 'metavar': '<file>' } ), ( ('-h', '--help'), { 'help': 'show this help message and exit', 'action': 'store_true', } ), ( ('-l', '--loglevel'), { 'help': 'the log level defines the application\'s verbosity', 'action': 'store', 'metavar': '<loglevel>', 'choices': Levels } ), ( ('-n', '--no-color'), { 'help': 'do not colorize output', 'action': 'store_true' } ) ) def __init__(self, argv=None): self._logger = Logger.get_instance() self._argv = argv or sys.argv[:] self._prog = os.path.basename(self._argv[0]) self._status = compat.EX_OK self._commands = {} self._aliases = {} self._get_commands() self._global_args = [] self._command = '' self._command_args = [] self._set_command() def _get_commands(self): """ Detect available command modules or packages and their alias names """ cmds = loader.detect_class_modules('xobox.cli.commands', BaseCommand) for cmd in cmds: cmd_class = loader.load_member(cmds[cmd], cmd) self._commands[] = cmd_class for alias in cmd_class.aliases: if alias in self._aliases or alias in self._commands: raise AttributeError("command alias {} already exists".format(alias)) self._aliases[alias] = def _set_command(self): """ Split arguments into global and command specific ones and detect the command or alias """ if len(self._argv) > 1: for arg in self._argv[1:]: if arg in self._commands or arg in self._aliases: position = self._argv.index(arg) self._global_args = self._argv[1:position] if arg in self._commands: self._command = arg elif arg in self._aliases: self._command = self._aliases[arg] position += 1 if len(self._argv) > position: self._command_args = self._argv[position:] if not (self._global_args or self._command): self._global_args = self._argv[1:] @staticmethod def _assemble_args(arguments, indent): """ Assemble argument list with a given indentation """ result = "" maxlen = 80 - indent argline = "" argtext = "" for arg in arguments: if 'action' in arg[1]: if arg[1]['action'] in ('store_true', 'store_false', 'store_const', 'append_const', 'count'): argtext = " [{short}|{long}]".format(short=arg[0][0], long=arg[0][1]) elif arg[1]['action'] in ('store', 'append'): argtext = " [{short} {var}]".format(short=arg[0][0], var=arg[1]['metavar']) if len(argtext) + len(argline) > maxlen: if result: result += ("\n" + indent * " ") result += argline argline = "" else: argline += argtext if result: result += ("\n" + indent * " ") result += argline return result @staticmethod def _assemble_options(arguments): """ Assemble options list from an arguments tuple """ result = "" for arg in arguments: if len(arg) > 1: if 'help' in arg[1]: help_text = arg[1]['help'] else: help_text = 'no description available' if arg[1]['action'] in ('store', 'append'): result += " {: <20s} {: <55s}\n".format( ', '.join(arg[0]) + " " + arg[1]['metavar'], help_text ) else: result += " {: <20s} {: <55s}\n".format(', '.join(arg[0]), help_text) elif len(arg) == 1: result += " {: <20s} {: <55s}\n".format(', '.join(arg[0]), 'no description available') return result
[docs] def global_usage(self): """ Create the appropriate global usage message """ indent = len(self._prog) + 7 usage_message = "usage: {executable}".format(executable=self._prog) if self._arguments: usage_message += "{arguments}".format(arguments=self._assemble_args(self._arguments, indent)) if len(usage_message.splitlines()[-1]) + 19 > 80: usage_message += ("\n" + indent * " ") usage_message += " <command> [<args>]" usage_message += "\n\nAvailable commands:\n" for cmd in self._commands: usage_message += " {: <20s} {: <55s}\n".format(cmd, self._commands[cmd].help) if len(self._arguments) > 0: usage_message += "\nAvailable global options:\n" usage_message += self._assemble_options(self._arguments) usage_message += "\nUse '{prog} help <command>' to learn more about a specific command.".format(prog=self._prog) return usage_message
[docs] def command_usage(self): """ Create the appropriate command usage message """ usage_message = "usage: {prog} {command}".format(prog=self._prog, command=self._command) indent = len(usage_message) if self._commands[self._command].arguments: usage_message += "{arguments}".format( arguments=self._assemble_args(self._commands[self._command].arguments, indent) ) if self._commands[self._command].aliases: usage_message += "\n\nAliases: " for alias in self._commands[self._command].aliases: usage_message += (alias + ", ") usage_message = usage_message[:-2] if self._commands[self._command].arguments: usage_message += "\n\nAvailable command options:\n" usage_message += self._assemble_options(self._commands[self._command].arguments) return usage_message
[docs] def help(self): """ Reply to a user's help request """ if not self._command: self._logger.log_usage(self.global_usage()) else: self._logger.log_usage(self.command_usage())
[docs] def execute(self): """ Based on the given command line arguments and the available subcommands, this method creates the appropriate command line parser and starts the corresponding subcommand. """ # check if the user asks for help if any(help_indicator in self._global_args for help_indicator in ['-h', '--help', 'help']) \ or any(help_indicator in self._command_args for help_indicator in ['-h', '--help', 'help']): return # User didn't ask for help, but seems needing it if not self._command: self._status = compat.EX_USAGE return # React on arguments global_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=self._prog, usage=self.global_usage()[7:], add_help=False) for arg in self._arguments: # noinspection PyArgumentList global_parser.add_argument(*arg[0], **arg[1]) global_args = global_parser.parse_args(self._global_args) command_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=self._prog, usage=self.command_usage()[7:], add_help=False) for arg in self._commands[self._command].arguments: command_parser.add_argument(*arg[0], **arg[1]) command_args = command_parser.parse_args(self._command_args) if 'file' in global_args and global_args.file: self._logger.file = global_args.file self._logger.type = 'file' if 'loglevel' in global_args and global_args.loglevel: self._logger.level = global_args.loglevel if 'no_color' in global_args and global_args.no_color: self._logger.color = False if 'conf' in global_args and global_args.conf: conf = ApplicationConf.get_instance() conf['CONF_FILE'] = os.path.abspath(global_args.conf) # Create an instance of the called command and execute it command_class = self._commands[self._command] command = command_class(global_args=global_args, cmd_args=command_args, logger=self._logger) command.execute() self._status = command.status
@property def status(self): """ Exit status """ return self._status